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The Lion Who Roared

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"Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." I Peter 5:8 NASB

Once there was a lion who prowled around trying to make people afraid. If he made his prey cower down, he had found, he had to never miss a meal. This lion practiced this approach for many years and then thought if he had helpers, he could reap far more for himself and his family.

He began to require his pride to follow his example. Soon there was less that opposed his rule. He began to form a kingdom that he felt surely would conquer the world.

This lion was very crafty you see. He knew that he had found a win-win for sure. He and his family began to win either by the prey joining their group, or if they refused, they joined the pride's menu to give them needed strength.

Strangely, he also found some who believed love and faith were stronger than fear. These had to be devoured, he thought, less they organize and become strong. Still, he was confident as he could kill their bodies; but, he didn't know that he could not kill their souls. (Mat.10:28)

Once he learned this truth, he had his family roar louder and leave proof of their bloody hunts in more and more obvious displays. He believed terror would win and protect his kingdom.

He became frustrated by how many tried to hide behind a cross. They thought that death had been conquered and life was everlasting. He thought "How am I to make them come out from behind that cross"? So he roared louder and directed a war he had to win.

He sharpened his claws and provided for his family the sharpest tools he could find. Trying to plant pictures of carnage in the hearts of those who had found a place to hide, he tried harder. He followed his plan until one day the One who had been on that cross, which his prey was hiding behind, came back and stepped on a mountain.

After a while, he and his pride were thrown into a fiery lake, and things went back to how they had been long ago in a garden. Then, a different lion lay down with a lamb who had no terror or fear.

This completed the story of a lion who followed his nature and roared.


Taking refuge in Jesus, I find peace
I become a little child, trust is near
He stands between me and what I fear

Taking refuge in Jesus, I am safe
I become calm, I've been found
He holds me above shifting ground

Taking refuge in Jesus, I am strong
I can raise my head, I can see
He sets me free and abides with me

Taking refuge in Jesus, I am quiet
I have found a place to hide
It's the place where I abide

Copyright © 2015 by Bob Segress. Used by permission.

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About The Author


Robert L Segress, Ph.D., Th.M., served as a college professor (full-time and part-time) and psychotherapist for 25 years. He was the Director of Psychological Services of The Riverton General Hospital in Seattle, Washington and is an ordained minister who served as an interim pastor. He wrote The Biblical Approach to Psychology in 1974. After retiring, he became a prison minister at Shelton Prison in Washington State, in which capacity he has served for 15 years.

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