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Teaching Kids Where to Go for Help

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It’s more of a serious approach to the word of God, instead of
other things that we've seen, and them being kind of silly.”

 Chris and Karen Quigg share a love for children and learning. As grandparents, they have a full household, including three of their grandchildren. Superbook is a regular presence in their daily lives at home.
Chris goes to work, and they knock on my door after he leaves and says, Mimi, can we watch Superbook?, Karen says. “I pull Superbook up on my phone and when the grandkids are watching Superbook, they're very focused.”

Before they found Superbook, Chris and Karen were very strict with screen time. They didn’t feel there were many good TV options for kids. According to Chris, “the Bible part is very accurate, and I appreciate that.” The Quigg family says Superbook also helps them creatively include the Bible in their everyday home lives. Karen shares this story:

 “There was an opportunity that, I think it was Noah and he didn't wanna obey his mom. So Superbook helped remind him that Chris had just been in that same situation of disobeying his mother and what choice was he gonna make? And Noah's like, ‘okay, fine, I'll do the right thing.’ Superbook helped him to realize the application of obedience. We love it because it’s more of a serious approach to the word of God, instead of other things that we've seen being kind of silly.”

The Quigg family is grateful for the influence of Superbook in their home. They feel that they now have both a fun and focused Christ-centered tool, that will connect them for many years to come.

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About The Author

Headshot of Kelly Kane Lewis - 700 Club Producer
Kane Lewis

Kelly Kane Lewis joined CBN as a Features Producer after over 15 years in the Media, Film, and Live Entertainment industry as a producer, director, and as on-camera talent, most recently in the New York City metro region. She served as Associate Media Director for multisite megachurch Christ Church, in Northeast New Jersey where she produced several human impact stories. Kelly’s on-camera hosting talent can be found on such platforms as Lowe’s Home Improvement, Tidewater Community College, and Virginia Tourism. Kelly holds a Master of Arts in Journalism from Regent University and is currently