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Healed when Faith and Medicine United

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Brenda Scott’s routine mammogram turned her world upside down. Her son, Anthony, filmed her journey. “You know, the shocking part for me was just hearing the word, 'cancer,'” remembered Anthony. As he edited a video and heard his mom say, “a routine doctor's appointment would end up in devastating news. I have breast cancer.”

“Your wife goes to a doctor's appointment or yourself or whoever. You know, you're hoping to get a good report. We didn't get that,” said her husband, Mike.

“I remember asking God, 'Why God? Why us? Why Brenda? Why our family and why now?'" said her stepson, Tyler.

“Cancer is one thing, but, you know, and then the next breath, we find out that it was triple negative, which is one of the worst case of cancers there is,” said Mike.

“My heart sank. I couldn't find any reference to cure ability that emptied up even more. My fears, my concerns,” said Anthony.

“As we found out more and that, you know, triple negative is one of the worst cancers there is in breast cancer. Actually, there's only 5% of people that get it. And there is not a higher survival rate for it,” said Mike.

Brenda sought a second opinion and was surprised to find hope from her oncologist, Dr. Shipley.

“I told her that the Savior is the Healer, man is not, man's just the vessel, and that if she puts all her hope in Jesus Christ, the Healer, He already died on the cross for her. And that we need to start thanking Him for her healing,” said Dr. Shipley.

“You could just feel the presence of God, even in a cancer center in her office there. And that was a good, not just a good feeling...that was, it's like, God had placed us there,” said Mike.

Before Brenda began 16 treatments of an aggressive chemotherapy, she prepared herself for the battle. “I'm so grateful that when I have this time with the Lord, He gives me tactics that's going to help me in this fight. Today the fight is on,” said Brenda.

“She said, 'Off with the hair. I don't want to see hair in the sink. I don't want to see it on the floor in my bed, with the chemo treatments.' And that to me, let me know that she's ready to hit this. We are ready to hit this,” said Mike.

“I think her being able to see the effects of an attack, she wanted to be prepared to take that on. Why not say if you're going to take it or try to take it, I'll beat you to it. It'll be in the garbage before it's in your hands. That made me proud,” said Anthony.
While Anthony had originally made the video for their family, Brenda felt God calling her to post it online.

“Whenever my stepbrother, you know, uploaded that video of our experiences of going through a haircutting party, it was such a ripple effect throughout the community, throughout our family and friends, and then onward from there. And at that point, I knew between the doctor being a Christian, this going viral, so to speak, we knew 100% that God had His hand in this,” said Tyler.

“There were people that reached out to her that she'd never met. There were groups. Thank God for the groups that prayed,” said Anthony.

“There were so many people that responded and just like overnight. And then, of course, all the people at that point, too, we had already had praying, nationally and internationally, all of our friends, family, pastors,” said Mike.

After Brenda received her first treatment, she immediately knew she was healed.

“She told me during that treatment she felt a sharp strike to the exact area that they had found a spot on her breastbone. 'I'm healed.' She spoke it,” said Anthony.

“She went through four treatments. She wanted to get an ultrasound because we could no longer locate the breast mass at all. She went and received an ultrasound. She was there for a very long time because I could no longer locate the mass,” said Dr. Shipley.

“Even the doctors were blown away. That's a true definition of a miracle. A miracle had just taken place,” said Tyler.

“He looked at her and he said, 'Ma'am,' he says, 'as if I would have never known you ever.' He said, 'it's like you've never had cancer in your body.' He said, 'I can't find anything,'” said Mike.

“I found out that they . . . couldn't find anything. Well, of course, I'm celebrating,” said Anthony.

“Brenda didn't have to go back for any more treatment. She was healed and healed from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head. And the celebrations at that point definitely began,” said Tyler.

“When I heard the news that her breast mass was gone, I knew that God healed her. And so did she. She had decreed and declared it from day one that she was going to put her hands in the Lord. And I was just going to be His vessel,” said Dr. Shipley.

“I'm so grateful that God healed my body. When I read Psalms, I love the Psalms, those are encounters with God and I had an encounter that has just changed my life. I feel differently when I pray for people. A lot of times, you know, we think if someone's having a hardship or whatever, there's just kind of almost a cliche thing to say is, 'I'll pray for you.' It's different for me now,” said Brenda.

“If a patient doesn't have any hope, then they won't live for anything. Prayer changes things. That's the truth,” said Dr, Shipley.

“All we need to do, to do during all of this was to pray,” said Mike.

Brenda reflected, “The doctor said it's as if it was never there. I said, 'Lord,' I said, 'What would You have me tell the people?' And He said, 'Tell them that's how I forgive. It’s as it never happened.'”

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About The Author

Karl Sutton

Karl Sutton has worked in Christian media since 2009. He has filmed and edited over 200 TV episodes and three documentaries which have won numerous film festivals and Telly awards. He joined CBN in 2019 and resides outside Nashville with his wife and four kids. He loves cycling, playing music, and serving others.