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Would You Drink Dirty Water?

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Ten-year-old Wu Ji is a star student at her small primary school in southern China. She especially loves physical education and pushes herself very hard in class! 

“I love to run and skip rope with my classmates. Usually, I out-run and out-skip everyone!” Wu Ji says.

Wu Ji’s teacher says that she should always drink water after she exercises, so she doesn’t get dehydrated. But many days, there’s no fresh water available for the children.

“All we have is rainwater that makes its way underground through old pipes and to our school,” the teacher says. “It’s dirty and cloudy and not good to drink. We try to provide buckets of cleaner water for our students. But there’s not much we can do. It still gets filled with pebbles and stones. The kids shouldn’t drink it or they’ll get sick.”

It’s difficult for children to learn when they do not have enough water in their bodies.  

“I get so thirsty that I can’t even focus on what is going on in class,” Wu Ji says.

There have been days that Wu Ji was so parched that she had to drink the dirty water at school. Recently when she did this she got very ill. She was sent home from school and unable to return. That’s when CBN found out about the water problem at Wu Ji’s school and built a well and a new water basin for the children.

“Now, there’s always clean water for the kids. They can wash their hands after playing and their faces after PE. They can even take fresh water home to their families,” the teacher says.

As for Wu Ji, she doesn’t have any more stomachaches. And there’s always enough water for this young athlete!

“Whenever I turn on the tap, there is clean water flowing out. It’s very sweet and healthy!” she says.

And because Wu Ji comes from a poor, single-parent home, CBN decided to pay for both her and her brother’s education. Now, there’s nothing stopping these children from a bright future!

“CBN really helped us. They really care about my daughter and about all the students at her school,” Wu Ji’s mother says. “We never could have done this by ourselves.” 

“I’m so happy!” Wu Ji smiles. “To everyone that helped me, I wish you a wonderful life!  And all my classmates say 'Thank You,' too!”

Thank you, CBN partners, for making outreaches like this possible. A whole school and village were changed forever because of your love and generosity. Wu Ji's single mother has seen the love of Jesus in action because her children and classmates' basic needs were important to you. If you are not yet a partner, please join with us today. You will touch lives around the world by providing medical missions to the sick, digging clean water wells for the thirsty, comforting disaster victims, sharing the Gospel message with the lost—and so much more, all in the name of Jesus.

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