The New Superhero: Teflon Don
Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s TEFLON DON!
I thought liberals were supposed to be smart people. Conservatives are the “dumb ones” right? Yet it appears all the liberals who can’t stand Donald Trump just don’t get it. They think all the negative stories against Donald Trump will make a difference against Trump. They won’t. The Clinton campaign and the DNC think their huge, “opposition research file” is going to make a difference against Trump. It won’t. The mainstream media thinks delving into Trump’s past will surely make a difference against the billionaire nominee. It won’t. He’s, “Teflon Don.” Americans, for the most part, already know Donald Trump is not, “Mr. Boy Scout.” They know he’s controversial. They understand he’s a rebel. They clearly get that he’s been a, “player” (in more ways than one). And you know what the reaction will be during a General Election? It will be the act of yawning. Now, if the media uncovered video of Donald Trump crying, or asking for forgiveness, or hugging a tree or walking barefoot on the beach listening to the soundtrack from, “Beaches,” well then folks, we have a story! Honestly, if any of that was discovered, you can make the argument that he might LOSE support among his most faithful.
So the question becomes, if Trump really is Teflon, how do you beat him? None of the republican candidates could figure it out. And here’s why: you can’t beat Trump. Only Trump can beat Trump. Let me explain.
Trump came very close to a contested convention because the Cruz campaign had a robust, delegate-grabbing ground game. In a General Election, Trump will lose if he and his campaign team are not able to turn out significantly more older, white blue-collar voters. Many of these folks are the blue-collar evangelical type that he won in the south and other places. But he’ll need to expand this number in the key swing states. If the voter profile model resembles 2012, he’s toast. If his numbers among Hispanics, Asian Americans and women are down, he’ll need to change the voter turnout model. It’s really that simple. It’s called simple arithmetic. It’s not easy. Trump has struck a chord with disenchanted older white middle class voters who couldn’t give a rip about the GOP or the Democrats. To win, Trump’s campaign needs to up its game and bring out more of these voters. Trust me, that’s the scenario that keeps Clinton and other top democrats up at night. This is the, “Silent Majority” they are worried about.