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Coconut Oil May Reverse Alzheimer's and Prevent It

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There are many ways coconut oil can benefit your health. It strengthens the immune system, softens the skin, and best of all, boosts the brain.

Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial and anti-fungal. It's a natural antibiotic without the negative side effects. Dr. Beverly Teter, a lipid biochemist researcher at the University of Maryland, is an expert in the area of dietary fat. She says coconut oil helps defend against viruses like HIV and herpes viruses.

"The coconut oil tends to keep the bacteria down so that if you're assaulted with a virus, your immune system can concentrate on the virus. It doesn't have to concentrate on 27 other bacteria that day," she explained.

Coconut oil is also an excellent moisturizer for the face and body because of its superb absorption rate. Not only does it provide natural oils to the skin, but unlike other lotions that linger on the skin's surface, coconut oil is remarkably effective at sinking deep into the tissue to provide lasting softness.

The best thing about coconut oil is the way it energizes brain cells. In fact, hundreds of Alzheimer's patients recorded how their symptoms actually reversed after taking coconut oil. The benefits of coconut oil for Alzheimer's patients was first documented by Dr. Mary Newport, a Tampa physician whose husband was battling Alzheimer's.

Dr. Newport's exhausting research led her to conclude that Alzheimer's is a form of diabetes of the brain, sometimes known as "Type 3 Diabetes."

What that means is, an insulin-uptake problem prevents glucose from getting to the brain cells. Glucose is the primary fuel for brain cells. Therefore, if they receive fuel properly, they eventually malfunction and die.

However, Dr. Newport discovered coconut oil provides an alternate fuel to brain cells that are unable to receive glucose. This alternate form of energy to the brain cells is ketone bodies, which come from eating coconut oil.

Dr. Newport tested her theory on her husband, who showed dramatic improvement shortly after taking coconut oil.

Before taking coconut oil, he was asked to draw a picture of a clock. He drew circles and several numbers just in a very random pattern, that didn't really look anything like a clock. Then Dr. Newport began feeding coconut oil to her husband.

Two weeks later he was asked to draw a picture of a clock and demonstrated stunning improvement. At that point, Dr Newport recalls being encouraged, but not convinced.

"I thought at the time, was it just good luck? Was it a lot of prayer? Was it the coconut oil? And I thought, well, we're going to keep the coconut oil going," she said.

Three weeks later, Steve took drew yet another clock. It was remarkably improved.

In addition to the clock test, Dr. Newport noticed the reversal of other Alzheimer's symptoms her husband was experiencing.

"He was not able to run, he was able to run again," she recalled, "He could not read for about a year and a half, but after two or three months he was able to read. Instead of being very sluggish, not talking very much in the morning, he would come out in the morning with energy, talkative and joking, and he could find his water and his utensils."

Dr. Newport documented Steve's success in a book called, Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was A Cure?

She received a stack of thank-you letters from people whose loved ones' Alzheimer's symptoms were reversed after adding coconut oil to their diet. In fact, so many Alzheimer's patients noticed this kind of improvement that The Byrd Alzheimer's Institute is currently conducting a human study on the effect of coconut oil on Alzheimer's patients.

Coconut oil has also been shown to reverse the symptoms of other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and ALS.

Dr. Newport points out that brain cell problems often begin years before a person begins showing the symptoms of Alzheimer's. Therefore, she suggests taking coconut oil as a preventive measure to guard against developing Alzheimer's or other types of neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia.

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