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I Asked Jesus to Fix My Heart

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Lihao has been an aspiring author since he was 10.

He explains, “I started writing about a boy who always overcame his enemies.  There was a lot of hope in my stories, which gave me hope.”

Lihao was born with a hole in his heart. His mother abandoned the family, leaving his father to raise Lihao alone.

“His colds were much worse than other kids’, his father says.  “He coughed and coughed, and his heart beat really hard.  He was like an old man who couldn’t catch his breath.  It was difficult to watch.”

Lihao adds, “My heart hurt really bad, like a big stone pressing on it.”

Mr. Song worked long hours in construction.  Whenever possible, he researched remedies and went to the mountains to get herbs he thought might cure Lihao’s heart.  But nothing worked, and Lihao continued to get worse. 

“The larger the hole got, the more pressure was on his heart, and the more pain,” declares Mr. Song.

“Sometimes in PE class, my heart beat really fast, like a needle was piercing me,”
Lihao shares.  “I felt dizzy, and my eyes got hot.  I covered my chest and lay on the ground.  My classmates laughed at me.”

Sometimes, he got pneumonia.

“He looked awful.  He looked like he was dead,” Mr. Song recalls.  “His lips got blue.  I was scared, so I took him to the hospital.  A doctor had me sign a critical notice.  He said that if Lihao didn't get surgery, he might not live to be 20 years old.  But the surgery was very expensive and there was no way for me to ever afford it.  The news felt like a building crashing down on me.”

Lihao says, “I was hot, then cold, and I couldn't catch my breath.  The doctor put oxygen in my nose.”  He recalls, “I have a friend who also had heart disease and he died of a heart attack.  I was worried I’d die, just like him.”

Through it all, Lihao continued to write.

He remembers, “My hands shook and my handwriting was crooked, but I thought to myself, if I can write more, I will.  Writing helped me escape my pain.”

He also prayed.

“Some friends told me about Jesus,” Lihao shares.  “I believed Jesus could help me, and I asked him to take away my heart disease.”

Then a doctor told Mr. Song about Operation Blessing, and you helped make heart surgery possible.

“Lihao’s illness is cured,” exclaims Mr. Song.  “Now he can run like a normal child. Thank you all for your concern and support.”

“I can jump and race with my classmates,” exclaims Lihao.  He concludes, “Now, I write about how Jesus encourages and helps people overcome hard times.  And when I get older, I want to be a part of Operation Blessing and help people like you helped me.”


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About The Author

Zsa Zsa Palagyi
Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa Palagyi loves to tell stories about the Lord. Originally from California, she moved to NYC to work in TV, where she committed her life to Christ and was later called into Christian media. Now a CBN producer and Christian radio on-air personality, she seeks authenticity and enjoys art, culture, travel, fitness, fashion, the beach, and cats.