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Cancer Couldn’t Stop Her

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“My whole body just started shaking,” Rebekah Ramdial said. “I would've never thought something like this would happen. She's only 4-years-old and she has lymphoma cancer.”

Rebekah Ramdial’s day was going normally like any other, until her daughter Aiyana came to her complaining about a sharp pain in her leg.

“I thought maybe while she was playing around that she hit her leg, you know how kids are, Rebekah said.” So, I kind of just let it go. I was working on some things, and she just came up to me. She's crying this time. She goes, ‘Mommy, my leg hurts, my leg hurts.’ So, at that point I realized, ‘Okay, this has to be serious. We're going to go to the hospital.’”

Thinking she might have a fracture, Rebekah took Aiyana to be x-rayed. The images didn’t show a break, but rather an unknown mass in her knee. She underwent several tests over the course of a week to determine what it was, until finally doctors came to Rebekah with an answer.

“He goes, ‘We got the results for your daughter and she has lymphoma cancer.’ My heart just dropped,” Rebekah said. “It was almost like I felt like I wasn't even in real life. Like, this is a movie. So, the first thing I did was call my husband, I was crying. I couldn't believe it.”

The doctors told Rebekah that the cancer was already spreading to other parts of her body. They would need to take immediate action to try and save her life, however, the potential cure carried its own risks.

“He sat down and just started going through every single medicine that was going to put through her body, all the side effects,” Rebekah said. “Her organs could be messed up. You know, things like she couldn't have kids in the future, learning disability, heart issues. I told him, ‘I can't do it, I'm not putting my daughter through that.’ He looks down and then he looks back at me. He goes, ‘I understand, but if you don't, she will die.’ She’s 4-years-old, just a little girl, hasn’t even lived her life yet. That’s when I felt knives come through my heart.”
Rebekah left the hospital after the consultation alone to clear her head. As a Christian, she’d relied on God to help get through her past troubles, but this time was different.

“I felt betrayed by God,” Rebekah said. I was like, ‘How can you let this happen? You know, I've been serving you this whole time.’ It was to the point where I felt like I was going to die, it was so heavy on me. And that's when I screamed, ‘God, ‘where are you?’ That's exactly when I heard him speak right into my inner being. He said, ‘Are you going to trust me?’ I just broke. I said, ‘Lord, whatever happens to my daughter, I put her in your hands.’ I felt this overwhelming peace that I have never felt in my life, just immediately manifest in me.”

Aiyana soon started chemotherapy. Then one day shortly after, she came to Rebekah saying she’d had a dream of going to heaven.

“She said that she saw Jesus sitting on a tall, tall throne,” Rebekah said.

“I walked up to Jesus and I sat on his lap and he had a crown, and he touched my knee,” Aiyana said. “It made me feel happy, because he healed me.”

“And immediately I knew she was healed,” Rebekah said
Miraculously, Aiyana’s next PET scan showed no signs of cancer. Her doctors acknowledged how incredible this was, but she would still need to finish her chemotherapy. The Ramdial’s continued to pray and believe that God would protect her from any side effects.

“I felt like there was hope somewhere in this,” Rebekah said. “Even though she's going through the chemo, it won't harm her. He will protect her supernaturally from whatever's being pumped into her body. Every time we would go to the chemo sessions, I would speak that over her life. She was always laughing. She just had this supernatural strength where she'll be like, ‘Mommy, are you ready?’ And she'll just walk in there like a champ. I'm just looking at her like, ‘Wow, this is only God.’”

After six months of chemo, Aiyana was cancer free with no damaging side effects. It’s now been three years, and the Ramdials have taken inspiration from her miracle to start their own ministry, Life Stand Church, hoping to encourage others to put their trust totally in Christ. 

“I believe that what healed her was trusting Jesus, trusting the Lord,” Rebekah said. “When it came to my daughter, I wasn't trusting Him up until I decided to give her to Him. He allowed me to experience this overwhelming, just loving on me. I credit the goodness of God and who He is and his faithfulness for his children. He is there for you, and we just need to receive Him. Receive Him like a child.”

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About The Author

Isaac Gwin

Isaac Gwin joined Operation Blessing in 2013 as a National Media Liaison producing domestic hunger relief stories. He then moved to Israel in 2015 where he spent the next six years as a CBN Features Producer developing stories throughout the Middle East. Now back in the U.S., Isaac continues to produce inspiring, true life stories for The 700 Club.