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Becky Kiser


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Becky’s greatest aim in life is that her life would make a significant impact on her world for the name of Christ. She hopes women would find confidence in following Jesus, studying His Word and living out what He has said.

Becky's first book, Sacred Holidays: Less Chaos, More Jesus with B&H Publishing, an imprint of Lifeway, is found wherever books are sold. She often speaks at women's events and prisons-- encouraging both groups of women to love God and others. She is the Founder and CEO of Sacred Holidays, a ministry dedicated to connecting the hearts of women to the heart of God during peak seasons of women's lives (the holidays they celebrate). She is a certified Myers-Briggs Personal and Executive Coach. She is addicted to ice tea and nail polish, loves Texas summers, and usually is reading 3 books at the same time (although it's a lot of picture books these days).

She lives in the Woodlands, Texas with her husband, Chris, and their three daughters: Karis, Moriah, and Chandler. They aim to live out Jesus' instruction to love God and others.

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