Impeach Trump 101: San Diego State Offers Course on Removing Trump from Office
SAN DIEGO — San Diego State University is offering its students a course next month on removing President Donald Trump from the office to which he was elected.
The one-credit class is titled, "Trump: Impeachment, Removal or Conviction," and will be taught by professor John Joseph Cleary.
Required reading for the class is The Case for Impeachment by Allan Lichtman, which was a response to Trump's election and makes the case for impeaching America's commander in chief.
Along with impeachment, the course description explains the class will focus on "possible charges of the independent counsel," referring to special counsel Robert Mueller.
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It also advertises that the class will cover climate change, racism and religious bias, along with "a host of crimes including conspiracy, false statements and obstruction of justice."
There are 39 available seats in the class which will cost students $221.
It's unclear if there is a separate class at the university dedicated to a successful Trump presidency.
Campus Reform, a group that sniffs out liberal bias on college campuses, has the class on its radar.