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Blinded by the Sun

Share This Devotional Do you ever feel like your past is blinding you from your future?

This morning, I was on the way to work, and God painted a vivid picture of how this is often true in my own life. Cruising along the interstate in my new white Toyota Corolla, I set my eyes upon the road before me. Like any good, defensive driver should, I checked my rearview mirror to see what was happening behind me. It was rush hour, and I knew there would be miles of cars. There were – and, like me, every driver was focused on going somewhere fast.

Then, I saw it: an image that will forever change my life and hopefully my perspective. There, in both the rearview and the side view mirror, was a bright orangey-yellow glow, a golden light glaring in my eye. It was the sun – waking up the morning sky. It was one of those sunrises that if seen anywhere else, I’d say looked just like a postcard.

But in this case, I could barely enjoy the beauty. As fast as I could, I directed my attention back upon the road, where by now everything was a spotted, blurry mess. I had been momentarily blinded by the sun.

When I finally regained clarity, I noticed a downtown business building glowing in the distance. The sun was hitting that, too. Why didn't it blind me? After all, it was the same sun rising – yet its effect was so unlike what I had just experienced.

Then it hit me. Looking ahead, the sun radiated beauty because there was no mirror involved.... and there was absolutely no "looking back."

This "blinding encounter" made me think about life and how so often we take our eyes off of the road ahead and the good things that God is doing in our lives. I do it all the time. I take my eyes off what I see Him doing for others and what I hope He'll do for me. Regardless of the road He has any of us on, sometimes it’s just plain and simple. We take our eyes off of God and start looking in the mirror at ourselves.

What happens when we do this? What happens when we start dwelling on our flaws? The mistakes of the past? Dashed dreams? The relationships that didn't work? The expectations that weren’t met? The disappointments that crushed us? What happens when we consume ourselves with the hurts and pains of life that we didn’t ask for – and didn’t deserve? Our lives are full of these things. You know what I'm talking about.

It's when we not only look back at our failures or other people's failures, but when we choose to set up our tents and camp in the past. This keeps us from embracing the future and even living in the day. TODAY.

Are the plans God has for us today dependant upon what happened last year, last week, yesterday, or even last night? Sometimes.

We certainly have a role to play when it comes to obeying God and emerging from trials, still trusting Him. He grows our perseverance, character, and hope through such times ( ).He gives us an opportunity to let His strength be perfected in our weaknesses ( ). But by no means is God limited by our pasts or by our present performances. When God makes promises, He keeps them ( ; ).

Were the Israelites obedient in the wilderness? No, they mumbled and complained. But God kept His promise to His people in the generations to come because He had a Plan (see Deuteronomy).

Are you one of the Father’s children? Is your God the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? If you answered “yes,” then you are one of His people. Has God made any promises to you? Many – they are all written down in a love letter to you. It’s called the Holy Bible. Does God have a Plan for you? It may not look quite like your plan, but yes, He does.

His ways and His thoughts are bigger than yours ( ). He has known you from the beginning of time ( ). He knit you together in your mother’s womb ( ). He knows your thoughts afar off ( ). There is nowhere that you can go from His presence ( ). In all things, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine ( ).

We know all of this in our heads. But do we experience these truths on a day-to-day basis? God makes all things new ( ). He works things out for good for those who love him, for those who are the called according to His purpose ( ).

Does He want us trapped in the past? Blinded to our futures? No, He doesn't ( , ) But sometimes this place of entrapment or this victim mentality is so comfortable that we make the choice to remain locked-up.

Today, think about what's binding you to your past. What's blinding you from your future? What old lie is running around in your head and in your heart? It's time to take your focus off of that. Choose to return your focus to the road ahead. Focus on God's Word. Spend some time in it. Think on what is true, right, lovely, and pure. And then the peace of Christ will be with you ( ). Find comfort in the arms of your Heavenly Father ( ; ).

Don't just read God's Word --- Get to know God's heart.

And when it is absolutely necessary to look back, make sure you are protected. Put on your SONglasses. Let Jesus help you see your day, your life, your situation, your future -- and yes, even your past--- from HIS perspective, not yours. Then and only then will you never go blind again.

“For I know the plans I have for your, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.” ( )

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About The Author

Zsa Zsa Palagyi
Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa Palagyi loves to tell stories about the Lord. Originally from California, she moved to NYC to work in TV, where she committed her life to Christ and was later called into Christian media. Now a CBN producer and Christian radio on-air personality, she seeks authenticity and enjoys art, culture, travel, fitness, fashion, the beach, and cats.

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