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In Pursuit of God

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We often view God as the One who pursues us, and rightly so. He meets us when we turn back from our prodigal ways. He woos us back to Himself by pricking our conscience and showering us with His love. We know that God even sent His Son to seek us and save us when we were lost.

But what about our pursuit of God? I hadn't really thought enough about this notion until recently.

I was ruminating over , where Jesus tells us to keep on asking and keep on seeking and keep on knocking. If you remember, Jesus reveals this concept while telling the story of the persistent man who beseeched his friend for some bread. The persistent man never gave up his quest for good gifts, though the friend was somewhat irritated that one would ask such a request so late at night. In the end, the persistent man got what he was asking for. When we ask, we receive; when we seek, we find; and when we knock, the door is opened.

At first I got stuck on the words "ask," "seek", "knock," trying very hard to distinguish between the terms, but I soon got bogged down in this lexical undertaking. Then, instead of focusing on the differences between these words, I asked myself, What do these three words have in common? The answer was simple: pursuit. God wants us to pursue Him actively and relentlessly, just as He actively and relentlessly pursues us.

Isnt that amazing? God, the One who created us, wants us to pursue Him! Why? God wants true fellowship, and true fellowship must be two-way. God shouldn't be the only one initiating.

Have you ever had a friendship in which you seem to be doing all the work? You are always the one calling. You are the one sending the encouraging notes and cards. You are the one who remembers your friend's birthday and anniversary and you send the appropriate gifts. You are the one who gets your friend out of financial jams or provides wise counsel. In all, you are always there for your friend no matter what.

As much as you love to spend time with your friend and care deeply about that person, don't you wish that he or she would reciprocate? You certainly don't want your friend to feel guilty or obligated or under compulsion to do some "duty" for you. It is not like you are trying to keep score in your friendship. You just wish that your friend would call or send cards or help you out just because you two are friends. You hope that you aren't just a convenience. A true friend doesnt wait to be loved. A true friend loves. A true friend gives regardless.

God is always sending us good things and taking care of our needs despite our selfishness and our ignorance and our rebelliousness. God deserves more than our attention; He deserves our affections. He doesn't just want us to listen to Him. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to follow hard after Him.

And when we do, we reap tremendous benefits, more than any human relationship could offer. We can look to several Scriptures to see just what we gain by asking, seeking, and knocking by pursuing God:


  • We truly find God. We gain His presence and His heart.
    You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart ( , NIV).
  • We aren't forsaken. That means we are never alone. God is always there.
    Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you ( , NIV).
  • He forgives and heals when we repent. No earthly friendship can do both.
    If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land ( ).
  • God provides good things when we make Him our number-one priority.
    But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides ( , Amplified

There is so much to gain when we make God our quest, so actively pursue a relationship with the Lord. Ask Him what He desires of you. Seek Him out day after day. Knock on the door of opportunity until He opens the way to His will and His presence. Find Him in the shade of the evening. Walk with Him in the cool of the dawn. And never give up that pursuit.

We love Him because He first loved us. Now love the Lord Your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

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About The Author


A Tennessee native, Laura first came to sunny Virginia Beach to attend graduate school at Regent University after a brief and exciting summer working in Yosemite National Park in California (whoo-hoo!). After graduating from Regent with a master's degree in communication (emphasis on film studies) and a master's degree in journalism (emphasis on photojournalism), Laura came to work for CBN as an Internet Producer. That is when she discovered she had a God-given talent for writing. Laura hopes to see the Body of Christ healed, whole, and actively pursuing a godly life full of wisdom, joy, and