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What Training Should I Give My Children?

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The Bible says that we are to bring up our children in "the training and admonition of the Lord" ( ). It also says that "foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him" ( ). More than anything else, a child needs to know love, because a child's relationship with a loving father will teach him the love of God. Parents must show their children loving concern, fairness, and stability.

But along with love must be a measure to teach right and wrong, good and evil. That is what God gives us. He gives us love, fairness, and stability, but He also punishes us if we go wrong because He loves us.

Children cannot be allowed to be subject to their own biological or emotional needs at the expense of everybody else. A loving parent will set certain guidelines for his children, and let them know in a kind but firm fashion that these limits must be observed.

Then, as they get older, they may be given more freedom and responsibility. They must depend less on their parents and rely more and more on God. The goal of child rearing is to produce mature, responsible adults whose lives are governed by the Bible and centered in Christ.

Excerpt taken from Answers to 200 of Life's Most Probing Questions, Copyright 1984 by Pat Robertson. 

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About The Author

Pat Roberstson Headshot

Dr. Robertson served as the founder and chairman of The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. (CBN); co-founder, chancellor, and chief executive officer of Regent University; founder of Operation Blessing Relief and Development Corporation (OB); founder and president of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ); co-founder and chairman of International Family Entertainment, Inc.; and a leading force behind several other influential organizations and broadcast entities. His greatest treasure in life was knowing Jesus Christ and having the privilege of proclaiming Him and His power to others