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Couple Faces Financial Ruin After Health Crisis  

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Delbert and Belinda are a devoted couple who love the Lord. But their lives changed dramatically when Delbert got sick at work. Delbert said, “You know, I didn’t really want to take time off because we were in a tight financial situation at that time. When I got off, I went home, told my wife, I said, 'Look here, we need to probably go on and go to the hospital.'”

“The Dr. comes in and says, ‘This is very bad,’” added Belinda. 

“'Mr. Shelton,' he said, ‘It looks like you’re a very, very sick man right now,'” Delbert recalled. Delbert was admitted to the hospital after being diagnosed with MRSA and double pneumonia. The long hospital stay was tough.

Belinda said, “Whenever he came home from the hospital, he was very sick still. And having to take care of him 24/7, I couldn’t go to work. There was no more paychecks.” Delbert added, “We needed food. We were at, we could say dire straits."

That’s when Belinda discovered DC Downtown Food Ministry, a partner of Operation Blessing. Belinda told us, “They pray with you and they basically tell you, ‘It’s going to be okay, we’re here for you.’ And we were truly blessed by everything that we got there. I’d come in the door and say, ‘Look what a blessing I got! Look what God did!’ You could just feel the love of Jesus there.”

Thanks to CBN partners, Delbert and Belinda received the help they needed to get by. Now, Delbert is healthy once again, and the couple is back on their feet.

Delbert said, “It’s like that breath of fresh air, you know when you thought that all was lost and everything was bleak and you can get up and go another step.”

Belinda was thankful for the help, saying, “Thank you for your donations, thank you for your time. And thank you for loving God and loving people enough to help somebody else.”

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About The Author

Alex Macdonald Headshot - OB

As a National Media Liaison for Operation Blessing, Alex Macdonald produces all the hunger relief stories throughout the US. With a passion to bring help and hope to the hungry and hurting, Alex seeks to share testimonies of lives impacted by Operation Blessing and their ministry partners in an effort to spread the transformational power and love of Christ.

About The Author

Dan Reany

Daniel Reany works with domestic and international producers to share stories of God’s love changing people’s lives. His main focus is on CBN’s humanitarian work. He holds an MA in anthropology, and volunteers with the Order of St. John. In their spare time, he and his wife enjoy travel, medieval reenactments, and hosting events.