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Discover Profound Insights About One of the Bible’s Most Beloved Heroes

Pat Robertson’s newest book, The Shepherd King: The Life of David, takes you on a breathtaking journey through ancient Israel, revealing the story of a man after God’s own heart in this riveting account of David’s life and legacy. 

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You’ll discover:

  • Hear the incredible story of King David, a man whose passion, strength, and faith changed the course of human history
  • Follow his rise from humble shepherd to King of Israel
  • Gain an understanding of his unparalleled courage, godly wisdom, and brilliant military prowess
  • Learn of his influence on our world, even today

Get the audiobook for The Shepherd King: The Life of David, Pat Robertson's newest book. Exclusively for CBN partners, it's our gift to you when you join The 700 Club. You will also receive instant access to listen to the audiobook online, plus a 10-day companion devotional.

Discover insights that will strengthen and Guide you—at every age and stage of life!

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