'Our Nation Needs Prayer Now': It's Not Too Late to Watch the National Day of Prayer Event
Thursday marks the annual National Day of Prayer and despite the coronavirus shutdowns, it won't be canceled or postponed, but it will obviously look very different.
BELOW: Watch the virtual NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER event which took place from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Eastern Thursday night.
Every year, people typically gather across the country in over 60,000 local events to pray for America. But during National Day of Prayer 2020, millions of people will pray together virtually through online events, giving it the potential to become the largest prayer "gathering" in American history.
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This year's observation marks the 69th year, making it a traditional part of the American experience.
Ceremonies and celebrations were originally approved by Congress and legally recognized by President Truman in 1952. That law was revised by Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, naming the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer.
In addition to observances being held throughout local communities, Pray.com will host a special event where lawmakers and faith leaders will join in prayer for our nation.
Vice President Mike Pence will be joining Pastor Jack Graham, Pastor Greg Laurie, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, William Franklin Graham III, and Dr. Tony Evans, in a live-stream at 7:00 pm Eastern/4:00 pm Pacific on May 7.
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"Our nation needs prayer now more than ever, and so it is fitting that we gather on this day to remind us that we should seek the Almighty God every day in prayer," said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
During this time of national chaos and distress, Christian leaders say it's more important than ever to unify for the National Day of Prayer.
"For many years, we've come together on the National Day of Prayer to lift up our country in prayer," Dr. Jack Graham said. "Although we can't gather in our nation's capital this year due to the pandemic, we have a unique opportunity to come together virtually and exalt the name of God and worship Him in the midst of this crisis."
"Christian leaders from throughout the country will participate – praying for the advancement of the kingdom and the proclamation of the Gospel as we seek to provide hope to the hurting through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," Dr. Graham added.
And there will be a virtual National Day of Prayer gathering from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Eastern Thursday night.
President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, Kathy Branzell, and Will Graham with The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will lead that event. Many more will participate in this landmark event, including Pastor Rick Warren, Evangelist Nick Hall, Senators Lankford, Chris Coons, Tim Scott, and Dr. Pat Robertson with CBN.
CBN will broadcast the event live on the CBN News Channel and also stream it on CBNNews.com, our CBN apps, and on the CBN News YouTube channel.
National Day of Prayer events are happening all over the country. To see if there is one in your area, click here.
BELOW 'God's Glory Across the Earth': The National Day of Prayer Moves This Year's Events Online