Christian Ministry Reaches Most Vulnerable in Middle East's Refugee Camps
A Christian television ministry called SAT-7 is determined to light up the Middle East with the gospel of Christ. The ministry broadcasts in 25 primarily Muslim countries, including 6 of the 7 countries listed in President Trump's temporary travel ban.
They say their message goes beyond politics.
"We try not to be political, try not to make political comments, because that can hurt our ministry in the Middle East with the people, our viewers, who we're actually trying to influence and help," says Rex Rogers with SAT-7.
They're determined to reach the Middle East's next generation by broadcasting educational programs in refugee camps through a program called SAT-7 ACADEMY.
"We're just announcing it now and have been preparing for about two years. It is another channel, it is in the Arabic language, it is aimed at that lost generation…of children, whether they're in camps or wherever they are, who have been out of school maybe four, five, six years already," they said.
Upwards of 20 million refugee children are threatened with little to no education. SAT-7 says their mission is more than just literacy, but ultimately the salvation of souls.
"Christian missionaries have always started schools. Why? Because we care about literacy. Why? Because we want people to be able to read the Book — the Bible — for themselves!," Rogers says. "And, of course, we want them to be able to think for themselves and to live out their lives in a more productive way that literacy and education provides."
Rogers asks Christians around the world to pray for the success of the educational program.
"Pray for the effectiveness of the tool — will it actually help these children, will it cause these families to seek out and ask, 'Who are these people? What motivates them to love me like this?'" He says.